CETIN is a champion of rural broadband coverage
CETIN is a champion of rural broadband coverage
High-speed connectivity in rural areas is a necessary precondition for attracting the working-age population to live in smaller towns and villages. CETIN Czechia is a champion in rural coverage, with its fixed Next Generation Access (NGA) network available for more than 63% of all Czech rural households (Digital Economy and Society Index DESI, 2021). Most of the rural coverage is built using a fiber-to-the-cabinet (FTTC) network, which enables the users to achieve speeds of up to 250Mbps. However, since 2019, CETIN’s main focus has been the deployment of state-of-the-art fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks, including in rural areas.
See below some examples of successful FTTH rollouts in Czech municipalities:
1) FTTH Hrušky:
The municipality has been badly damaged by a tornado in 2021. CETIN will assist with the reconstruction efforts by modernizing the existing FTTC into an FTTH network for all premises.
2) FTTH Dobříš:
The coverage of Dobříš, a small central Bohemian town is being achieved in steps, with the Mirove and Komenskeho square areas near completion. The deployment has been coordinated with the municipal administration to harmonize it with the reconstruction of the squares and sidewalks.
3) FTTH Dešná:
In a village of less than 600 inhabitants, 95% of homes passed with FTTH, which is already available for services. The network has been built as an aerial FTTH deployment using existing poles.
4) FTTH Hrotovice:
Another example of successful cooperation between CETIN and the municipal administration in Hrotovice. First, CETIN network in the municipality has been upgraded with FTTC, followed by a deployment of FTTH. The FTTH deployment has been coordinated with civil works on the electrical distribution network, with 22% of the premises now connected and in service.
CETIN has also participated in the calls for projects to cover so-called „white areas“ in the Czech Republic, i.e. areas without any available NGA networks. With some 30 submitted projects, CETIN’s commitment is to deliver connectivity even in areas where commercial deployment would not have been possible.