Looking to the future : CETIN Bulgaria is building the Bulgarian part of the cross border transport corridor Bulgaria – Serbia
Looking to the future : CETIN Bulgaria is building the Bulgarian part of the cross border transport corridor Bulgaria – Serbia
CETIN Bulgaria is starting the 5G Balkans project to improve the optic connectivity along the cross-border transport corridor Sofia – Serbia (part of the Orient/East-Med TEN-T corridor) by enabling the development of 5G services required for CAM (Connected & Automated Mobility).
The project will contribute to the development of innovative technologies and modern solutions that shall improve the mobility and connectivity in the region, as well as meet the mandatory requirements for the autonomous vehicles scenarios.
The 5G Balkans project is receiving funding from the Connected Europe Facility (CEF2) program under Grant Agreement № 101133895 and will be executed through the period January 2024 – December 2026. The estimated cost of the project is for more than 13 000 000 BGN, with half of the total cost being provided by the EU program, while the rest – by the main beneficiaries in 5G Balkans.
Main beneficiaries of the project are CETIN Bulgaria, CETIN in Serbia and the Technical University of Sofia, while Yettel Bulgaria and Yettel in Serbia are associate partners. By carrying out the project, CETIN Bulgaria will upgrade the existing optic route and will set up approximately 100 km new high-speed fixed connectivity from Sofia to Kalotina. CETIN in Serbia will work along the Kalotina – Dimitrovgrad route by connecting already set-up base stations to its existing high-speed optic network. The Technical University of Sofia will conduct independent measurements and analysis along both the newly built and the upgraded routes from Sofia to Kalotina. The measurements shall cover checkup of the optic route parameters, as well as test for any potential disturbances within the frequency ranges intended for the future use of road safety applications.
CETIN & Yettel, operating in Bulgaria and Serbia, are part of the PPF Telecom Group, along with subsidiaries in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. With its telecom division, the PPF Telecom Group is a leading provider of telecommunication services in the CEE region. The companies of the group in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Serbia are established players in the telecom market, with years of investment in modern telecommunication infrastructure, which they continue to develop.