Accelerating technology for a sustainable future

Sustainable Connectivity
Our targets
At CETIN, we are passionate about the technology that forms the backbone of our existence. We aim to accelerate the uptake of digital technology in all locations where we operate. We design, build and operate high-quality networks and provide innovative solutions with no compromise in security. CETIN Group is well positioned to enable a rapid and cost-effective transition to optical fiber and 5G networks. Sometimes, however, conditions do not yet allow high-quality optical connections. CETIN Group is therefore extracting the maximum possible from its existing copper cable networks. Diversity such as this allows us to connect as many people as possible, even in areas that might have otherwise been difficult to reach. In the age of digitalization, no one should be left behind.
80 %

Enable 5G coverage by 2027

Our goal is to make 5G connectivity available to at least 50 % of the population by 2024, and 80 % of the population by 2027, in all countries where we operate. In urban areas, we aim for our 5G network to deliver connectivity speed above 250Mbps.

1 mil.

Fiber coverage by 2027

We aim to bring full fiber internet infrastructure (FTTH, Fiber-to-the-home) to 1 million households in Czechia by 2027.

Resilient and reliable network

Resilient and reliable network

We aim to further improve network reliability and quality of the national critical infrastructures in all countries where we operate and always actively help national authorities in case of natural disaster. We will further stren­gthen the protection of customer data and increase the resilience of our networks to cyberattack and cyberfraud.

Progress highlights
57 %

Enable 5G coverage by 2027

By the end of June 2024, 5G connectivity was available to 57 % of the population in the countries of our presence. Specifically in Czechia 5G coverage reached 94 % of the population, in Bulgaria 76 % of the population, and in Hungary 44 % of the population.


Fiber coverage by 2027

We already brought full fiber internet infrastructure to 562 thousand households in Czechia by the end of June 2024.

Resilient and reliable network

Resilient and reliable network

In 2023, we have implemented internal Security Operation Centres (SOC) in all our entities, including follow-up procedures for monitoring and responding to incidents. In the first half of 2024 we have connected new systems to our SOCs and further optimized detection rules.

Impact stories

Follow our steps towards sustainability and carbon neutrality

Documents for download

Download the detailed ESG Report and read about our goals

Information security management
CETIN BG information security policy
CETIN CZ Politika ISMS 2020
CETIN BG 27001 2013 en
CETIN BG 27701 2019 en
CETIN CZ 27001 2013 en
CETIN CZ Infosec system certificate
CETIN RS 27001 2013 eng
CETIN RS 27701 2013 eng
Business continuity
CETIN RS 22301 2019 eng